ComiqueCon, the nation’s first comics convention dedicated to female artists, writers, publishers and illustrators, will take place at the Arab American National Museum in Dearborn on Nov. 7.
“Women don’t just read comics — they make excellent comics, too!” said ComiqueCon founder Chelsea Liddy.
Main stage presenters include Nancy Collins, author of “Vampirella”; Alex de Campi, author of “Smoke/Ashes,” “Archie vs. Predator,” “Sensation Comics featuring Wonder Woman” and “No Mercy,” and Mairghread Scott, author of “Transformers,” Marvel’s “Guardians of the Galaxy” and “Bravest Warriors.” Other planned events include a costume contest, artist VIP reception, discussion panels and a screening of the documentary “She Makes Comics.”
ComiqueCon recently launched a crowdfunding campaign on to help with start-up costs. The campaign will run through June 6. Sponsors who donate $25 are eligible to receive a limited-edition variant of “Swords of Sorrow No. 1” with cover art by Dave Acosta. Other incentives include limited-edition ComiqueCon 2015 buttons and admission to a private reception Nov. 6 with ComiqueCon artists and writers.