Shortly after launching a curved OLED HDTV in the United States, LG has revealed it will be bringing to market similar televisions with a higher Ultra HD resolution. The previously-rumored 4K-capable displays, in 77-inch and 65-inch versions, will have the same OLED technology and curved surface as the earlier release, but this time it will be able to show 4K-resolution video.
The televisions, model number 77EG9700 and 65EC9700 depending on size, use the company’s WebOS-based smart TV system, are wall mountable, and come supplied with LG’s multi-channel “Ultra Surround” audio system, designed in part by Harman Kardon. The display itself benefits from OLED’s intense colors and deeper black shades, along with the manufacturer’s WRGB four-color pixel system, using 33 million sub-pixels.
LG is taking pre-orders for the two televisions from this week in South Korea priced at 12 million won ($11,800), with the company planning to make them available in North America and Europe “soon after.”