DC Comics Adds New Creative Teams for February 2016

Posted by at 1:55 pm on November 24, 2015

Starting in February 2016, the ongoing creative teams for NEW SUICIDE SQUAD, AQUAMAN, and TEEN TITANS will feature some familiar faces from DC Comics’ lineup of writers and artists! Please welcome and congratulate Tim & Juan, Dan & Vicente, and Greg & Noel on their new projects!

Kicking things off, NEW SUICIDE SQUAD #17 will be written by Tim Seeley (GRAYSON, BATMAN ETERNAL) and illustrated by Juan Ferreyra (GOTHAM BY MIDNIGHT, BATMAN ETERNAL). These regular Gothamites visit the dark and unspeakably violent world of the Suicide Squad for a thrilling new storyline! We’re excited to see what they bring to the Squad!Indentured super villain Harley Quinn has made covert contact with someone outside the walls of Belle Reve prison—and this mysterious savior has discovered the secrets of Amanda Waller and Task Force X.

Suicude Squad Creative tteam

Next, AQUAMAN #49 will be written by Dan Abnett (TITANS HUNT, HE-MAN: THE ETERNITY WAR, EARTH 2: SOCIETY) and illustrated by Vicente Cifuentes (BATMAN/SUPERMAN, CONVERGENCE: JUSTICE LEAGUE). Watch these two make waves with the beginning of a new chapter featuring your Atlantean heroes! In the aftermath of the Thule invasion, Aquaman must show the people of Atlantis that he was the target of a conspiracy and earn their trust once more. And no, it’s not going to be easy…

Aquaman Creative Team


Finally, TEEN TITANS #17 will be written by Greg Pak (ACTION COMICS, BATMAN/SUPERMAN) with art by Noel Rodriguez (RED HOOD AND THE OUTLAWS). The creative team isn’t going to give the Titans a single break. Run for your lives, Titans! With their backs against the wall, the Titans are wanted across the country! Now, Tim Drake must find a way to clear the team’s name while staying one step ahead of the law. But Wonder Girl’s past is also catching up with her and it won’t wait for the Titans’ troubles to calm down.


Teen TItans Creative Team

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