Dell has formally launched the XPS 14z. Its system is conspicuously targeted at Apple’s 13-inch notebook and uses LG’s Shuriken panel tech to get a 14-inch, 1366×768 screen into the size of a 13-inch design. Unlike the exaggeration of the XPS 15z, the 14z is genuinely thinner at exactly 0.9 inches and lighter at 4.36 pounds.
It gets to the thickness by moving some of the expansion, such as Ethernet, HDMI, and Ethernet, to the back of the PC.
The system uses the similar dual Core i5 and i7 processors but should be faster for 3D through including GeForce GT 520M dedicated graphics, not just integrated Intel video. It also starts off with 6GB of RAM (up to 8GB) and the same 500GB base hard drive but a 7,200RPM spin speed as standard. Battery life takes a slight hit at a maximum six hours, 42 minutes.
Each system comes with Windows 7 Home Premium as well as Stage interface extras and Nero-made SyncUP cloud syncing.
North America gets the XPS 14z on Novmeber 1 and will see a lower $999 price for the base configuration. Other countries will get the system on November 15.