Deadline brings word this afternoon that actress Devon Aoki has been cast as Tatsu Yamashiro, aka Katana, for the upcoming third season of “Arrow“!
A skilled martial artist, Katana gets her name form the deadly sword she wields which contains the souls of everyone she has killed, including her late husband. It’s unclear if this supernatural angle will manifest itself in the character in the series, but we do know that she will be important to Oliver’s flashback sequences in the upcoming season. In the comics, the character is closely associated not only with the Birds of Prey but also Batman’s The Outsiders.
This isn’t the only sword-bearing comic character Aoki has played either, as she took on the role of Miho for the original Sin City in 2005.
“Arrow” airs Wednesdays at 8 P.M. ET/PT on The CW with the new season set to premiere on October 8th.