Disney Takes World of Color on Tour

Posted by at 10:57 am on July 3, 2010

Viewers around the world will join a one-of-a-kind, online phenomenon in July to experience “World of Color,” the new after-dark spectacular presented nightly in Disney California Adventure park in Anaheim. The interactive tour will feature live shows in four California cities, and the online audience will travel “virtually” to each location to watch the shows and interact with the webcast.

In each city, specially produced animation will be projected onto a familiar city landmark, using a sensational mixture of special effects, high-tech projections and one of the storytelling themes presented in “World of Color.”

The public is invited to participate online only at the “World of Color” Road Show website where viewers will enjoy a rich experience that includes Disney animation and music, video entertainment and a “viewer’s choice” opportunity to vote for the starring color in that evening’s show. Each city will have a broadcast location designed for media only.

This “online spectacular” is inspired by the “World of Color” show, which combines music, animation, water and a multitude of special effects in a magical celebration of Disney characters and storytelling. A new venture for the Disneyland Resort, the tour will utilize streaming online video to bring its own special magic to the World Wide Web and to iconic locations in San Francisco, Sacramento, San Diego and Los Angeles.

ONLINE EXPERIENCE: Viewers will be able to access the webcast performances live and on encore nights at the website, in English at www.WorldofColorRoadShow.com and in Spanish at www.coloresdisney.com. The site also features an artistic video mashup, interviews with the creators of “World of Color” and the voting option. Video clips from each iconic location will be added to the show on ensuing nights, inspiring viewers to follow the virtual tour throughout California.

CAST YOUR VOTE: Just as fairies cast their spells, online viewers will cast their votes each night for one of three colors representing each of the Three Good Fairies from “Sleeping Beauty” -“ Flora, Fauna and Merryweather. The color with the most votes will be featured in the show’s opening moment, complete with a trail of pixie dust. In true Disney style, the winning fairy will fly from computer screens to the landmark location and she will conjure the magical transformation of the landmark using the chosen color -“ red, green or blue. With this bit of magic, online audience members are able to lend their own spark of inspiration to the show.

SHOW THEMES: A different theme will come alive in each of the four cities, with each show reflecting a theme from the “World of Color” production at Disney California Adventure. To experience the show in each city, people will have to visit the website. There will be no accommodations on site in each city.

SAN FRANCISCO: In San Francisco, the unique animation will be projected onto the façade of a landmark that will be revealed online on Opening Night. The presentation is dedicated to the theme of “Love,” featuring romantic couples from Disney and Disney – Pixar animated films. The live show, presented Wednesday and Thursday, July 7 and 8, will repeat continuously from 9 p.m. to 11:30 p.m. Pacific time and will be shot from several different angles for the ongoing, live webcast. Encore webcasts (not live) of the San Francisco show will appear online from 9 p.m. to 11:30 p.m. on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, July 9 through 11.

SACRAMENTO: With forest and garden scenes from such films as “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs,” “Pocahontas,” “Bambi” and “Alice in Wonderland,” the online experience in Sacramento will be built around the theme of “Nature.” Presented Thursday through Sunday, July 15-18, in historic Old Sacramento, it will be webcast live from 9 p.m. to 11:30 p.m. each evening.

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