Jungle Cruise leading man Dwayne Johnson has tweeted the film has been delayed a full nine months. Originally slated for October 11th 2019, the movie will now open on July 24th 2020.
Marking out that far in advance means the film presently has no real competition and plenty of time to complete post-production work.
Next October already has four films scheduled including the Zombieland sequel, the animated Addams Family.
Johnson plays a boat captain who takes his sister (Emily Blunt) and her brother (Jack Whitehall) on a mission to find a tree believed to possess healing powers. Wild animals and a competing expedition figure into the proceedings with Edgar Ramirez, Jesse Plemons and Paul Giamatti co-starring. Michael Green, J.D. Payne and Patrick McKay penned the script.
IT’S OFFICIAL – JULY 24th, 2020.
Ladies and gentlemen and children of all ages.
My partner in crime, Emily Blunt and I, lovingly invite you to join us for THE ADVENTURE OF A LIFETIME.
All aboard…😈@DisneyStudios JUNGLE CRUISE
🚢 🗺🌴❤️🥃 pic.twitter.com/DNTnqSb3QD— Dwayne Johnson (@TheRock) October 19, 2018