E3 2011 – First Look at Centipede: Infestation

Posted by at 12:01 am on June 18, 2011

Long time video game developer Atari had a strong showing at their booth for E3 2011. In the coming year they are releasing a revamp of one of their most classic and revered arcade titles, Centipede.

Centipede Gets a Reboot

Atari’s long time arcade classic Cetipede gets a reboot as Centipede: Infestation.  In the old days, you were a kind of exterminator/turret moving across the screen shooting a lot of fast travelling bugs. This time, you play as Max, the hero and bug slayer, who must defend Maisy, a girl whose gardens bring life back to the wasteland that the planet has now become.  You squash giant mutated centipedes, spiders, beetles, grubs, caterpillars, moths, and more. You defeat the  mutated bugs with weapons such as the Lightning Orb Gun, Nuke Cannon, Freezethrower, Mine Launcher, and more.  You can use the bodies of dead bugs to craft new defenses and power-ups like turret guns and barricades, or just crush them with your mighty stomp!

While at the booth, I got to try the Wii version of the game and I had a great time.  You combine the nunchuk and the remote to control Max through a bunch of interesting environments and fast paced bug action.  The levels of the game the I tried were challenging enough to be interesting for advanced games but not so tough that more casual players would be made to feel like road kill. Another bonus about the reboot is that it is pretty family friendly, you get the excitement and challenge of an FPS without the graphic violence or adult content.  The bugs to have a pretty satisfying splat with lots of green goo, for those gamers among us that don’t want all of the “good stuff” taken out though.

Key Features and Availability

  • Reimagined version of the classic gaming franchise designed specifically for the Nintendo Wii and 3DS
  • Explore an expansive new world with 7 environments, 40 stages and 5 boss battles
  • Choose from over 20 different weapons and power-ups to battle against more than 20 different types of bugs
  • Immersive storyline filled with a variety of gameplay and intrigue
  • Team up with a friend to kill even more bugs with 2 player co-op multiplayer
  • Unique “street pass” feature for 3DS – Unique content shared between passing Nintendo 3DS units

Developed by Wayward Technolgies, Centipede: Infestation is being released on the Wii and 3DS. The anticipated ESRB rating is 10+ and the expected release date is sometime this fall.



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