E3 2011 – First Take Captain America: Super Soldier

Posted by at 9:01 pm on June 21, 2011

It’s a great summer for super hereos and we saw several of them during our rounds at E3 2011Sega’s current entry into super hero gaming is Captain America: Super Soldier. In this third-person action adventure you become Captain America, the ultimate Super-Soldier, in the darkest days of World War II as you face the Red Skull and his army.

Wield Captain America’s legendary shield to take out multiple enemies at once, deflect incoming fire back at your enemies, solve puzzles, and scale walls. Above all, hurl yourself shield-first into the fray, with the superior force of the world’s first Super-Soldier at your fingertips. Engage in free-flowing combat and acrobatic platforming to infiltrate Hydra’s massive and mysterious castle complex and battle the infamous Iron Cross, the forces of Hydra, and a host of nefarious enemies serving the Red Skull.

The Genesis of a Hero

The game has an impresssive pedigree boasting an original storyline set in the movie universe but not following the movie directly, where players experience the stirring tales of Captain America’s world with an original story by noted Marvel scribe Christos Gage created specifically for the video game. Created by the legendary team of Joe Simon and Jack Kirby in 1941, the iconic hero actually predates the Marvel name by 20 years, first being issued by the company’s predecessor, Timely Publications. Over 200 million Captain America issues have been sold in 75 countries, and the shield-wielding hero is a key member of the Avengers alongside comic book icons The Hulk, Iron Man, and Thor starting in The Avengers #4 in 1964.

Playing the Game

Captain America: Super Soldier looks as though it is going to provide some great game play with it’s intuitive control, interesting graphics and unique hero adventures.  It should satisfy both the Marvel fans and regular gaming audiences alike.

Important Features

  • Become Captain America: Engage in combat against enemies bent on world domination during World War II. Use your abilities as the ultimate Super-Soldier to infiltrate Hydra’s Castle and annihilate the forces of evil.
  • Use Captain America’s Shield: Your shield is your most powerful weapon and best defense. Use it to take out multiple enemies from a distance, block incoming attacks, destroy objects, solve puzzles, and reflect incoming fire back at enemies.
  • Capture the Castle, Save the World: Infiltrate a huge castle complex that’s both an acrobatic playground for the Captain’s physical prowess and a house of mystery, with enemies and danger at every turn.
  • Acrobatic Platforming: Extensive acrobatic abilities allow you to scale walls, climb ledges, and vault from poles to overcome environmental challenges. Master timing-based controls to execute advanced moves and discover multiple paths through missions.
  • Free-Flowing Combat: Move freely through the castle battlefield with acrobatic precision as you take down multiple enemies with devastating combos. Take control of a turret or grab a soldier from behind and use his weapons against him. Execute punches, kicks, grabs, vaults, and shield throws to unleash the power of Captain America.
  • Face Fearsome Foes: Face off against Captain America’s greatest villains, including the Red Skull, Arnim Zola, Baron Strucker, Madame Hydra, Iron Cross, and more.


Captain America: Super Soldier  will be available on July 19, 2011 for PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, Wii, DS, and 3DS.  ESRB Ratings are: Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, Wii, T for Teen; Nintendo DS, E10+.

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