Following Michiel Huisman’s recent casting in the upcoming NBC adaptation of The Sixth Gun comic series by Cullen Bunn and Brian Hurtt, all eyes have been peeled for who would play the last uncast role in the series, Missy Hume. According to the latest announcement from NBC, Elena Satine (Magic City) will star as the ruthless and eternally youthful series antagonist.
Satine joins the previously cast W. Earl Brown (Deadwood) who plays Missy’s similarly villainous husband General Hume, Graham McTavish (The Hobbit) as Silas Hedgepeth, his evil lieutenant, and Aldis Hodge (Leverage) as Agent Mercer, a PI investigating the series’ cursed guns.
The Sixth Gun pilot will star Laura Ramsey as heroine Becky Montcrief, and the previously mentioned Huisman as co-protaganist Drake Sinclair. Written by written by Ryan Condal (Hercules: The Thracian Wars), produced by Carlton Cuse (Lost), and directed by Jefferey Reiner (Do No Harm), the pilot is set for a tentative fall release date.
Based on the Oni Press published comic, The Sixth Gun follows Montcrief as she inherits the most powerful of six cursed guns, and along with outlaw Drake Sinclair, must battle undead bandits who want the weapons for themselves.