Just three issues into her first miniseries, Valiant Entertainment’s Faith has been announced as an ongoing series returning in July. Based on a character initially created by Jim Shooter and David Lapham back in 1992’s Harbinger, Faith (also known as Zephyr) was reintroduced in 2012 before graduating to the current minieries by writer Jody Houser and artists Francis Portela and Marguerite Sauvage. Houser and Sauvage are returning for the ongoing series, joined by artist Pere Perez.
“Since Faith’s solo debut hit stands, no matter where we’ve turned – from conventions to comic shops to social media – fans all over the globe have called on Valiant to further Faith’s adventures beyond four issues alone,” said Valiant Editor-in-Chief Warren Simons. “Now that day has come, and we’re proud to say that Faith’s journey will continue in 2016 and beyond. Jody Houser, Francis Portela, and Marguerite Sauvage did a masterful job introducing Faith to a whole new audience, and now we’re glad to welcome Valiant-exclusive artist and extraordinarily talented storyteller Pere Perez to the Faith family for her first ongoing series – a benchmark achievement if there ever was one.”
The final issue of the miniseries, Faith #4, is scheduled for release April 27. The new Faith ongoing is scheduled to debut July 20.