FCC Officially Opens RF Radiation Inquiry

Posted by at 12:03 am on April 1, 2013

The Federal Communications Commission has finally launched its in-depth review related to the health and safety of radiofrequency (RF) emissions from radio transmitters, such as cell phones, smartphones, tablets and mobile hotspots. The last time the FCC reviewed the guidelines was back in 1996.

Last summer, both the General Accountability Office and FCC decided it was time to revisit those guidelines, especially considering the proliferation of wireless devices since that time. The FCC set several goals for this review, and set the ground rules by which the review will be conducted. The FCC will focus on three elements: the propriety of its existing standards and policies, possible options for precautionary exposure reduction, and possible improvements to its equipment authorization process and policies as they relate to RF exposure.

The FCC said its intent is to “appropriately protect the public without imposing an undue burden on industry. While acknowledging the potential difficulty of quantifying benefits and burdens, we need to determine whether the overall costs of the regulation are outweighed by the benefit to consumers, workers, and other members of the public.” The FCC acknowledges that there has been lots of research generated on the subject of human exposure to cell phone radiation, and is seeking comment on the matter from the scientific community and beyond. “we ask whether our exposure limits remain appropriate given the differences in the various recommendations that have developed” since the current set of guidelines were put in place.

The FCC did not indicate when it thinks the review might be concluded.

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