Futuremark Rolls Out 3DMark Update w New UI and VRMark Preview

Posted by at 1:12 pm on April 7, 2016


Futurmark released an update to its 3DMark benchmark suite, adding a new VR experience, a new user interface, and the capability to choose the specific benchmarks you want to install.

The new VR experience is exclusive to 3DMark Advanced and Professional editions and is intended for use with the Oculus Rift and HTC Vive. This interactive preview of VRMark lets users freely explore two of the test scenes from Futuremark’s upcoming virtual reality benchmark. The first scene is designed for the Rift’s minimum hardware specification, and the second scene requires more powerful hardware. This sneak peek of VRMark does not produce a benchmark score, but for early adopters of VR that cannot wait to get their hands on any content they can, the preview does provide a taste of things to come.

3DMark also received an updated user interface for 2016. The new home screen automatically detects the hardware in your system and recommends the appropriate benchmark test for your rig’s horsepower. You can still access the other tests from the Benchmark menu.


Futuremark also made 3DMark more flexible with smaller updates and faster downloads. Using Steam, 3DMark users can install and update individual benchmark tests independently, which makes the initial download much smaller. You can also choose to only install the tests you need. The standalone 3DMark Advanced edition also offers this space-and-time-saving feature.


Although Futuremark’s anticipated Time Spy test, which was slated for an early 2016 release, is not a part of this update, the company hasn’t forgotten about the DX12 benchmark and said it’s coming soon.

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