George Clooney to Return to TV In Hulu’s Catch-22 Series

Posted by at 9:54 am on January 18, 2018

George Clooney will be making a return to the TV screen via Hulu. In short, Clooney will be serving as not just the co-director but also one of the executive producers for an upcoming mini-series called Catch-22. Furthermore, he has stated his interest in playing the part of Colonel Cathcart, who is an important character but not the most important. Regardless, Catch-22 is based on the book of the same name by Joseph Heller, which remains much beloved in the present in spite of the fact that it was published in 1961.

Not too much information has been released about Catch-22 at this point in time, not least because it hasn’t reached the point in production when there would be much information that can be released. Catch-22 is based on a rather well-known book, there is a fair amount of information that can be gleaned from it.

The story is centered around a character named Captain John Yossarian, who is less than enthused about being stationed off of the Italian mainland during World War II. There are a lot of people who are out to kill him, which is something that he wants to avoid as much as possible. As a result, Yossarian seeks to get out of the Army Air Corps, thus resulting in his use of the titular Catch-22, which states that someone can be discharged provided that they are insane.

Unfortunately, since Yossarian is the one who claims that he is insane, he has proven his sanity because any sane man would want to claim their insanity under such circumstances, which is why the phrase has picked up its modern meaning. With that said, while Yossarian is the main character of the novel, it should be noted that its narrative is a sprawling one, with the result that it encompasses a number of other stories involving a number of other characters as well.

As for Colonel Cathcart, it is interesting to note that he is Yossarian’s superior. To be exact, he is Yossarian’s superior who happens to want a promotion, which is a serious problem because he is willing to do whatever it takes to please his own superiors.

A few details have been shared about the production so far. For example, the Catch-22 mini-series will consist of no more than six episodes, which will be filmed in the real life locations using a real life plane from World War II. In other words, the people behind Catch-22 are seeking to make it true to its source material, which should come as welcome news for those who remember the novel with fondness.

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