George Lopez will star in the upcoming comedy “Aloha Santa,” which will begin production in Maui in December. Lopez stars as Chris Cringle, the immature adopted son of Santa Claus, who finds his world turned upside down when his father passes on and leaves the duties of being Santa Claus to him. Lopez’s newly appointed Santa Claus accidentally crash lands in Hawaii during a test flight and must now figure out a way to get home in time for Christmas.
The film will be directed by Jonathan Yudis, who also co-wrote the film with Adam “Tex” Davis and Mike Davis. Infinite Entertainment Now is the production company. Producers are Yudis, Eric Gilliom and Dominique Telson. Executive producers are JC Spink, Jamie Foxx, Mark Bakshi, Gato Scatena and Jordan Rosner.
Lopez starred in the FX sitcom “Saint George” last year. He produced and starred in Lionsgate’s “Spare Parts,” which was released earlier this year.