Google has updated the iOS version of Google Earth, bringing the mobile app up to v7.0.0. Two new features have been included; the first is the addition of 3D buildings to cities, similar in style to Apple’s upcoming Maps app in iOS 6. Only Los Angeles, Boston, San Francisco, Geneva, and Rome are currently being rendered with the extra detail, though Google is promising more cities in coming weeks. The option is also limited to the iPhone 4S, iPad 2 or better.
Also new is the tour guide concept. When near a particular city, the the app will pop up a list of famous sites in the area, such as the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin or the Vatican in Rome. Tapping one of these zooms users in for a rotating view, with text giving a few brief facts about each location.
The app is a free download. Although 3D cities requires higher-level hardware, the basic app should run on any iOS device using iOS 4.3 or later.