The Google Voice app for iOS has been updated with iPad and iPod touch support, the company says.
Users are still unable to make cellular calls. But other features are there and working, such as the ability to send free text messages. A “Click2Call” option lets people initiate calls through separate phones, though they can’t yet make calls directly from the device itself.
Several universal upgrades have also been made. When push notifications are enabled, for instance, text forwarding is now automatically disabled, preventing duplicate alerts. A Contacts button has been added to the Dialer tab, and calls can be sent directly to voicemail by toggling a “Do not disturb” option in the Settings menu.
Google has lastly made text messaging faster by removing the need to tap the OK button. The app is a free download from the App Store, and runs on any iOS handheld using iOS 3.1 or later. Users must also reside in the US and sign up for a Voice account.