You read that title right. It’s a pretty slow week for the PS Vita and this week’s new release list consists on exactly ONE title – Hakuoki: Edo Blossoms.
Hakuoki: Edo Blossoms is the second half of the story found within Hakuoki: Kyoto Winds, While there’s a very factual historical basis for Hakuoki, it goes completely off the rails for its original story. The player’s main character is part demon, which means she is able to heal at a rapid pace, and the romanceable boys have become a strange vampire-hybrid called a Fury that have an insatiable bloodlust.
Seeing how the first half of the story was released in May 2017, if you don’t recall all of the various characters in Hakuoki‘s story, the game does a good job of giving optional background information, so it was never a problem. If you forget exactly who someone is, you just have to access the in-game glossary. It’s a great feature, and one that was really a must for how the game was structured.
Edo Blossoms is also the shorter of the two games. This means that if you’re only interested in a few of the romances then you might be disappointed by how quickly things wrap up. That said, there are a dozen of cute samurai boys to romance, so you’ll largely get your money’s worth as long as you want to see every possible outcome.