Deep Silver is employing one sure method of getting some ink, oops showing my age there, bits. Offer a special edition of Saints Row 4 at GAME for $1 million. While all of us here at ToT have been sick this week, That is not a type or joke!
Named “The Super Dangerous Wad Wad Edition” or “The Million Dollar Pack,” it includes a number of luxurious bonuses totally unrelated to the game, such as a Virgin Galactic space flight, plastic surgery, a seven-night stay at the top royal suite at the Burj-Al-Arab in Dubai, a “hostage rescue experience,” a Toyota Prius and a Lamborghini Gallardo.
Plus the buyer receives a copy of Saints Row 4’s Commander in Chief Edition. We also think the game should come with a financial advisor, so the the buyer never makes this type of purchase again.