Joseph Gordon-Levitt Reveals New Stills From Don Jon

Posted by at 5:08 pm on March 9, 2013

Joseph Gordon-Levitt’s directorial debut has just been retitled Don Jon (from Don Jon’s Addiction). Set to hit theaters later this year through Relativity Media, the film is written by Gordon-Levitt and co-starring Scarlett Johansson, Julianne Moore, Rob Brown, Tony Danza and Glenne Headly, the film follows a ladies’ man with an addiction to porn (also played by Gordon-Levitt) who tries to find love and a more satisfying sex life.

This week, Don Jon is screening at Austin’s SXSW and, today, the writer/director/star shared a new still along with a message to his fans about the new title.

“Hey everybody,

So, as you might’ve heard already, I wrote and directed a movie last year, and it’s coming out later this year. Which is absolutely crazy, and I still kinda can’t believe it. Anyway, I’m posting this today to let you all know that I’m changing its title. It’s now called… DON JON. I decided to change it, first of all, because DON JON is just so short and simple, and if you know me, you know I’m a fan of brevity. Second of all, it felt to me like the old title, “Don Jon’s Addiction” was throwing some people off a bit from the point of the movie. People were assuming it was a film about porn addiction and sex addiction, which really isn’t true. That’d be sort of like saying “The Maltese Falcon” is a movie about a statue of a falcon. DON JON is a comedy about how men and women treat each other, and how the media we consume can create unrealistic expectations that we put on one another. That’s why the story centers around a relationship between a young man (played by me) who watches too much pornography and a young woman (played by Scarlett) who watches too many romantic Hollywood movies. It’s a topic I personally find fascinating and hilarious.

And while I have your attention, I figured I’d show you the first production still we’re releasing of Jon’s father, played by none other than Tough Tony Danza. More to show soon. We’re just starting to work on the trailer now. And I’m heading down to SxSW with Tony this weekend with the film, so I’ll see some of you in Austin!

thanks again.. J”





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