Kodansha launched the free “Magazine Pocket” manga app for iOS and Android devices on Thursday. The app features manga that are already serialized in Kodansha’s Weekly Shōnen Magazine, and it is also exclusively serializing two spinoff manga, one for Fairy Tail, and one forAce of Diamond.
Kyōta Shibano is drawing the Fairy Tail Gaiden: Kengami no Sōryū (Fairy Tail Spinoff: Twin Dragons of Sabertooth) spinoff of Hiro Mashima’s Fairy Tail manga, and Yahiro Umakago is drawing the Daiya no B!! Seidō Kōkō Suisōgaku-bu (Brass of Diamond!! Seidō High School Wind Instrument Club) spinoff of Yūji Terajima’s Ace of Diamond manga. These two manga are availablefor a fee via a point system.
Fairy Tail Gaiden: Kengami no Sōryū follows guild master Sting, Rogue, Yukino, Minerva, and other members of the Sabertooth Guild. Daiya no B!! Seidō Kōkō Suisōgaku-bu will launch on August 19.
The app features free versions of the first few chapters of the following 11 manga:
• Hiro Mashima’s Fairy Tail
• Miki Yoshikawa’s Yamada-kun and the Seven Witches
• Yūji Terajima’s Ace of Diamond
• Hikaru Katsuki’s Baby Steps
• Reiji Miyashima and Motoazabu Factory’s AKB49 ~Renai Kinshi Jōrei~
• Takeshi Hinata’s Ahiru no Sora
• Hiroaki Igano and Kaya Tsukiyama’s The Knight in the Area
• Yoshitoki Ōima’s A Silent Voice
• Muneyuki Kaneshiro and Akeji Fujimura’s As the Gods Will
• Okushō and Shizumu Watanabe’s Real Account
• Yuu Kuraishi and Keishi Nishikida’s My Wife is Wagatsuma-san
The app features more than 30 manga total, with some chapters being free and some requiring a fee via a point system. The app also allows users to purchase full issues of Weekly Shōnen Magazine, from this year’s 24th issue to the present issue. Users can alternately purchase a monthly subscription for 840 yen (about US$6.78) per month for the issues.