Legend of Lobo Destroyo Looks Back to Banjo Kazooie

Posted by at 10:54 am on December 4, 2013

The Legend of Lobodestroyo Vs. La Liga De Los Villanos may take place in a world full of anthropomorphic animals like bandito chihuahuas, pirate parrots and wolf luchadores, but it’s the real world, circa 1998 that developer Lefthanded Games wants to take you to. Lobodestroyo is a 3D platformer inspired by games like Banjo Kazooie, and is currently seeking funding on Kickstarter.

Players will take on the role of Mutt, a runt of the wolf pack that follows Lobodestroyo, protector and guardian of Costa Lucha. When Mutt awakens to find Lobo and the rest of his pack missing and La Liga de Los Villanos escaped, he takes up the pack’s magical belt and begins a quest to avenge his brothers and dropkick the 10 villains of Los Villanos into submission.

The campaign for Lobodestroyo has a little more than a week left, and is sitting at about $12,000. The team’s initial goal is $35,000, which will allow the game to release on PC, Mac, Linux, Ouya and Wii U. Lefthanded Games is participating in Ouya’s Free The Games Fund, which means that Ouya will match the donated amount of money in exchange for a period of exclusivity on the system. At $39,000, the game will be ported to the PS4, and at $42,000, the game will come to nest on the Xbox One.  Their Kickstarter video is below.

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