LG has taken the wraps off the latest incarnation of its Magic Remote, which is designed to be paired with its Cinema 3D Smart TV series. The new design is more ergonomic, but continues with its four control scheme including voice, gesture, point and wheel. The most significant upgrade is to its voice recognition capabilities, which now support ‘natural language’ recognition, giving its voice capabilities a more Siri-like flavor.
Users can now use the Magic Remote say things like “Show me the Gangnam Style video” and the remote will launch the Youtube app on the Smart TV, which then searches for a clip and begins playing it. The device supports motion sensing, which LG says makes it an “ideal motion-based video game controller.” The same capability can also be used to change channels.
The wheel control can be used to scroll up and down webpages, or zooming in and out of applications including Google Maps. The Magic Remote can also recognise gestures for short cuts to often used functions, or often accessed menus further helping to make the TV viewing experience easier and more interactive.
The LG Magic Remote is shipping with its Cinema 33 Smart TVs, with the high-end models also gaining LED backlighting.
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