An all-female comic and text anthology from Bedside Press hitting shelves in December (if the Kickstarter gods provide a bountiful harvest of funding, that is).
The Secret Loves of Geek Girls will feature over forty female artists, writers, creators and fans telling their stories about love, sex and dating in nerd culture, written for geek girls that want information and stories from both sides of the table: from the fans who love video games, comic books, and sci-fi, to those that work behind the scenes, such as creators, and industry insiders.
The book includes non-fiction stories by creators such as A-Force’s Marguerite Bennett, a new illustrated story about kink by Kath Leth and all new cartoons by Margaret Atwood! Yes, that Margaret Atwood (there’s really only one).
Atwood will be contributing self-drawn cartoons detailing her personal experiences as a young woman, created specifically for The Secret Loves of Geek Girls. Ms. Atwood is even offering a personalized four-panel comic strip as a high level Kickstarter incentive to one lucky funder out there who will also receive the original art.