Sony is producing a limited-edition Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain-themed PlayStation 4 and a special metallic gray controller that will be released in a bundle with the game in Europe, Australia and New Zealand, the company announced today.
It’s a two-tone PS4 with a blood-red top half and a black bottom half, a color scheme inspired by Snake’s bionic arm. A gold line runs along the console’s line of light. The controller features the logo of Diamond Dogs, a private military company led by Snake, and its color is meant to resemble Snake’s handgun. The bundle includes the PS4, which has a 500 GB hard drive; the gray controller; and the Day One Edition of Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain.
Sony will also be selling a Phantom Pain bundle that includes a standard black 500 GB PS4 and controller along with the Day One Edition of the game. Both bundles will be available across Europe, Australia and New Zealand on Sept. 1, the same day Metal Gear Solid 5 launches, but Sony did not announce a price for either package. We’ve reached out to ask about the prices, and to ask if Sony plans to bring the bundles to North America.
You can see images of both bundles below.