According to the latest Oricon weekly manga sales chart, the last 72nd volume of Masashi Kishimoto’s long-running action manga series Naruto, which was released in Japan on February 4, sold an impressive 874,120 copies in its first week, becoming the top-selling manga of the week. Kishimoto finished the manga’s 15-year serialization with 700 chapters on Weekly Shonen Jump last November.
The second popular manga was Naoshi Komi’s Nisekoi 16th volume with 196,123 copies. As a reference, the last 30th volume of Tadatoshi Fujimaki’s basketball-themed manga Kuroko’s Basketball sold 337,000 copies in its first week in December 2014.
In addition, Akira Higashiyama’s novelization “-Naruto- Kakashi Hiden Hyouten no Ikazuchi” ranked 2nd in the weekly book sales chart selling 60,611 copies, alongside Kishimoto’s own “-Naruto- Illustration Collection: Uzumaki Naruto” in 3rd with 42,812 copies.