NBC has renewed its iconic soap opera Days of Our Lives for a 54th season. The daytime drama, which aired its 13,000th episode last year, remains set in the fictitious Midwestern town of Salem and revolves around the core families are the Bradys, Hortons and DiMeras.
“We’re very excited about having more great ‘Days’ in Salem,” said Bruce Evans, EVP Current Programming at NBC Entertainment. “Ken Corday and his team continue to tell stories with which the Days loyal audience feels a deep connection. We congratulate them on their remarkable daytime legacy and look forward to what they have planned for the new season.”
The show premiered as a half-hour drama in 1965 and expanded to an hour 10 years later. It has garnered 52 Daytime Emmy Awards, including most recently 2013 and 2015’s Outstanding Daytime Drama. The 2018 Daytime Emmy Awards nominations will be announced on Wednesday.
Days of our Lives, which airs in more than two dozen countries, is produced by Corday Productions Inc. in association with Sony Pictures Television. Ken Corday is the executive producer with co-executive producers Greg Meng and Albert Alarr. Ron Carlivati is the head writer.
“We’re thrilled that the sands will continue flowing through the hourglass for yet another year,” Corday said. “We are most grateful to NBC and Sony for their continued support of Days of our Lives. Buckle up because we have some exciting and compelling new stories coming to Salem this season.”