New Battlefield 4 Community Operations’ Pack Is Here! Includes Community-Created Map

Posted by at 10:52 am on October 27, 2015


Nearly two years after its release, a significant number of people are still playing Battlefield 4. A few months ago, nighttime combat was introduced in multiplayer. Now, DICE has asked for the input of fans with the creation of a new multiplayer map. On October 27, the result of the developer and community collaboration will be available to download as a pack called Battlefield 4 Community Operations.

The pack contains the new jungle-themed map, called Operation Outbreak. Unlike some of the game’s other maps, which are immense and allow large vehicles such as tanks and fighter jets, the jungle environment is dense. This leaves space for only small vehicles, such as the quad bike, or the inflatable boat (via the river). In addition, there are five main locations that dot the map such as the oil plantation, a ghost town, a medical facility, a fishing village, and in the middle, an ancient temple complete with a waterfall.

The process to create the map started earlier in the year in what the developers called the Community Map Project, wherein players would provide their own ideas for the next map, vote on the popular choices and get regular updates of its development from creation to completion.

At one point, fans had to vote on the map environment from three options: a jungle, a desert, or a hybrid of a mountain and jungle landscape. Users also picked the main locations throughout the area, and even expressed a heavy preference to add the temple in the map. Finally, they also voted on the map’s name, which led the creation of a short backstory to why American and Chinese forces are contesting over the dense piece of land.

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