Olympus today, after long period of no action, updated its mid-range E series DSLRs by adding its first video-capable model. The E-5 has a 12.3-megapixel sensor, a maximum ISO 6,400 sensitivity and can capture 720p video at 30 frames per second. There is an external mic input to improve audio.
Olympus’ biggest selling point remains weather resistance: the E-5 body is guarded against both dust and water splashes with a magnesium shell that can withstand mild impacts.
The camera has built-in image stabilization and has both CompactFlash and SD (here SDXC) card slots. It runs on Olympus’ TruePic V+ imaging engine and has an 11-point autofocusing system as well as Live View on its swivelling LCD.
The E-5 is due to arrive sometime in October and will around $1,700 for a body alone.