OnLive Announce Universal Gamepad and Deals with Vizio, Intel and HTC

Posted by at 12:00 am on June 3, 2011

OnLive swung into action ahead of E3 on Thursday with the unveiling of a gamepad that should work on nearly every platform. Its Universal Wireless Controller can directly control the streaming game service from not just Macs or Windows PCs but also the MicroConsole, Android tablets like the HTC Flyer, the iPad, and some Vizio TVs. Bluetooth is available for those devices that can use it but is braced by a USB adapter that can plug directly into devices that normally want a wired link.

The controllers are designed primarily for OnLive and have dedicated media buttons for watching game replays, AKA Brag Clips, as well as a wireless signal that prioritizes low lag. One of the USB adapters is enough to handle four gamepads if a game has local multiplayer.

Universal Wireless Controllers should arrive in the fall with pricing to be set later.

In tandem with the gamepad, OnLive also rolled out Facebook integration. Signed in users will automatically post their game statuses on each others’ walls and give the option to either play the same game separately, in free or demo versions, or in multiplayer mode. Recorded videos will also post on a wall to let anyone watch, including in HD. Subscribers have the option of rating clips, and future updates should let game developers post achievements or help requests in mid-game.

OnLive will release its 100th game, Red Faction: Armageddon, on June 7 at 12:01 AM PDT, day-and-date with consoles. Red Faction: Armageddon is another milestone as OnLive’s first exclusive PC demo. Disney Interactive Studio has announced support for OnLive, starting with two award-winning games, Split/Second and Pure. Disney joins 50 game publishers who have provided games for the OnLive platform, with many more coming.

OnLive has announced partnerships with VIZIO and HTC to integrate OnLive into their and we should see more about this at E3.

Rounding out news was a deal with Intel to officially support Intel-based set-top boxes, including with 5.1-channel surround and 3D when it arrives. The UK will have the option of the service in the fall both by itself and as a bundled option with BT Internet service

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