Origin PC Has Major Discounts on Titan-Z Systems

Posted by at 10:52 am on August 12, 2014

Origin likes high-performance PCs as well as 4K. In order to push 4K adoption a little more, the company has announced its new 4K < $4K Nvidia BattleBox Titan Z promotion.

The included lineups are the Chronos-Z series, the Millenium-Z and the Genesis-Z. The idea behind the 4K < $4K is that you can get a 4K-capable gaming system for just under $4000, but there’s some very strange marketing going on here. The systems themselves aren’t really all that remarkable beyond carrying a Titan Z, and we were already able to order these a while ago. The differences now, and why this is newsworthy, is because of changes to the branding and pricing. Previously, these configurations would easily cost in excess of $5000.

The three offers that Origin has in store for you are the following: a gaming PCequipped with a GTX Titan Z for less than $4000, that same PC with a 4K monitor for slightly more, and a deal where you pay the full price for that same gaming PC, but you get a second Titan Z for free. Doing the math, you’ll realize that you’re getting more hardware than you’re paying for. This might not be entirely clear for the first deal, but for the last deal it is; you’ll pay around $5500 for a system with two GTX Titan Z’s – in retail, two Titan Z’s alone will cost you about $6000, and then you’ve still got to buy the rest of the PC.

We’re not entirely sure how Origin PC is financing this promotion. Either they have a deal with Nvidia, or they are taking a loss on purpose. A potential possibility is also that Origin PC bought up way more GTX Titan Z’s than it sold, and that this is a way of getting rid of leftover inventory.

Also know, Origin PC is also launching a trade-in program for Alienware-branded laptops from Dell. If you have one of these and wish to buy an Origin PC system or the new EVO15-S laptop, you can sign up for the trade-in program, and Origin PC will deduct the value of your old Alienware notebook from the purchase price of your new system.

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