Panasonic has now revealed prices for its Lumix ZS10, ZS8 and FX78 point-and-shoot cameras introduced late in January, along with the rugged Lumix TS3. The four camares arrive late this month, and share Leica lenses, HD video recording capabilities and Panasonic’s iA full-auto scene mode. The ZS10 will cost $400, The ZS8 $300, the FX78 $350 and the TS3 $400.
All but the rugged TS3 also have a 3D Photo mode that takes 20 consecutive photos and then overlays the best two to create a pseudo-stereoscopic 3D image.
The GPS-equipped ZS10 will be available in black, red, blue, silver and brown models, while the ZS8 will only come in silver or black. The FX78’s color choices will include black, gold and white. The TS3 is waterproof up to 40 feet and can withstand drops from 6.6 feet. It can be had in red, orange, silver and blue.