Plenty of Fishies Swims to Wii U This Week

Posted by at 12:49 pm on December 15, 2014

Plenty Of FishiesNitrolic is releasing a brand new title known as Plenty of Fishies to the Wii U eShop in the US. You control a fish – as you might imagine – and have to take on various challenges in order to get the highest score amongst your friends.
The game features a number of different gameplay modes in both single player and multiplayer flavours. From the press release:
Single Player:

  • Adventure Mode: There are five levels in this mode. You start out in the reef, and you work your way through the ocean, coming in contact with many different species of fish and other sea creatures to try and get through the game with the highest score possible by eating the fish that are smaller than you. You’ll grow in size, and will eventually be the biggest fish in the ocean! Each level has different goals, so pay attention to the instructions at the beginning of each level! Survive all five levels, and you’ll come out on top!
  • Flippy Fish: Flip and flop through the ocean to try and get the highest score. You can also get bonus points by going UNDER the creatures…. but watch out, it’s pretty risky!!! Be sure to post your results on Miiverse!
    Egg Survivor: One of the most challenging modes in single player, but also the most fun! You start off with 6 eggs that you must protect at ALL COST. You can eat the other fish in the area without worrying about your size, with the exception of the barracuda! But beware – they’re ALL coming after your eggs, no matter what!


  • All Levels: Like single players Adventure mode, All Levels essentially goes through all of the levels in Adventure mode, but in Multiplayer. The key difference is, you won’t be hurt by each other, as you help each other get to the end of the level together. You can also share your wins with others in Miiverse!
  • Flippy Fish: Like Flippy Fish in Single player mode, you also have it in Multiplayer mode… up to FIVE players! This brings an interesting twist into the game, because once you die, you must wait till everyone else is done… and it can get extremely hard once everyone starts getting into the game – It’s incredibly fun!
  • Egg Destroyer: Plenty of Fishies asymmetrical game mode! Many people don’t know what asymmetrical gameplay is, essentially it means that two or more people playing the same game, play together, but in two very different ways. In this mode, one player is the egg survivor (like in the Single Player mode Egg Survivor) and the other players goal is to minimize the amount of points the first player gets by eating his eggs! There are other fish swimming around the ocean, and they don’t attack, or destroy eggs… they’re there for bonus points. The first player can also hide in the pipes – the other players cannot… but the first player can only be in the pipes for a limited amount of time, before they start losing their eggs… so watch out!

It’s good to see Indie developers taking advantage of the Wii U GamePad’s capabilities for asymmetrical multiplayer, as so far it’s an aspect that’s been unfairly overlooked by many game designers. Plenty of Fishies will be released in the US on the Wii U eShop on the 18th December.

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