The Raspberry Pi Foundation has launched a smaller version of its Raspberry Pi Model A micro computer, four months after doing the same for its popular Model B board. The Model A+ also manages to fit in a few improvements on top of the original version, on top of shrinking the overall size from 85mm (3.35 inches) in length to 65mm (2.55 inches).
The new version is claimed to use less power than its predecessor, as well as including a dedicated low-noise power supply to the audio circuit to improve sound production. It also includes more GPIO pins, making it more useful for electronics projects, and now uses a microSD card slot, replacing the older friction-fit SD card socket used by the larger models.
Other than the relatively-few changes, it remains effectively the same as the original. Using a 700MHz Broadcom BCM2835 ARM11 32-bit processor with 256MB of RAM, it includes HDMI output, one USB 2.0 socket, a connector for the camera accessory, a 15-way Display Serial Interface connector, a four-pole headphone socket, and a microUSB socket for power.
At the same time as shrinking the size, the price has also been trimmed, with the Raspberry Pi Model A+ being sold for $20. The board is on sale now.