Vuzix Shows Evolution at CES 2010 with the Wrap 310’s

Posted by at 1:45 pm on January 13, 2010

When you go to CES  nearly every year, you get the chance to see a product or a category grow over time.   With the  huge push that 3D was receiving at this year’s CES, I decided to visit Vuzix booth to see how their glasses compared to the ones the TV firms were using for 3D when it came to comfort and adjustment options.   Plus, I wanted to see what improvements they have  made since I last took a look at them at CES 2008.

I  have to say I have fell in love with the Wrap 310 model.   These glasses support video from a wide range of sources; Apple iPod / iPhone / iPod touch, portable DVD players, camcorders and even a VGA (PC) with the optional Wrap VGA Adapter. As a bonus the 310 supports both NTSC and PAL sources.

When  worn they are equivalent to watching a 55-inch TV as  though you are positioned  ten feet away and they have 24 bit color.   You can view video content in both the 4×3 frame of standard TV or the 16×9 frame which HDTV is broadcast in.   The 310 supports stereo sound and you can use your own headphones if you like.   Onscreen display for video display adjustment such as brightness, contrast, hue and color saturation makes  customizing  the video to your tastes easy.

When it comes to comfort they use ultra-thin cabling, an adjustable hypoallergenic nosepiece, and independent +2 to -5 diopter focus adjustment. While I don’t wear eyeglasses yet, I had a few friends try the 310 over the course of the show and none had problems getting them to fit over their glasses.

So why did I did not go ga-ga for them 2 years ago?   Well first of all they are more comfortable than they were in 2008.   Vuzix also understands the need for upgrades and accessories to let the 310 fit your personal taste and style.   At this CES, Vuzix launched a line of accessories.   Included in the launch are the Wrap Style Lens which come in 3 colors or a mirrored finish.   While you do get six hours of video play back with 2 AA alkaline batteries, there is also a Wrap CV Recharge Pack.   It is a lithium ion rechargeable battery pack which you can recharge through a USB connection or the included AC adapter. It is a green way to go-on both your wallet and the planet.

Second, there is the way we travel. We are flying less and staying closer to home.   There are around 30 states which don’t allow video screens in autos where they could be seen by the driver.   Since most adults like riding in the front seat next to our travel companion, the 310 lets you enjoy a movie on your iPod and not be breaking the law. Plus you keep the sound to yourself, which reduces driver distraction even more than just having a video screen which can only be viewed from the back seat.

When we do fly, the airlines have cut back on services.   So why not watch the movie you want without anyone getting in the way of the screen. You can with the Wrap 310s and an iPod.    It is easier and more enjoyable to do in flight than watching a movie on a netbook.

I found the 310 to be a great value for those of us looking to watch video on the go at a reasonable price – $249.95 SRP.   The video is sharp and clear and comes from a wide range of sources.   The Wrap 310s are easy to adjust – both in video settings and to fit your face.   With the 30 day money back guarantee, you really should give them a try.

Vuzix makes a wide range of video glasses aimed for medical, military and consumer markets, so do take the time to look at their web site –

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