S.H.I.E.L.D. Character Details Emerge

Posted by at 10:35 am on October 2, 2012

Announced earlier this year, Joss Whedon is overseeing S.H.I.E.L.D., Marvel Studios’ first television series set in their cinematic universe. Today, TV Line has gotten their hands on a list of characters that are alleged to be at the forefront of the ABC series, now casting. Their list reads as follows:

SKYE: This late-20s woman sounds like a dream: fun, smart, caring and confident – with an ability to get the upper hand by using her wit and charm.

AGENT GRANT WARD: Quite the physical specimen and “cool under fire,” he sometimes botches interpersonal relations. He’s a quiet one with a bit of a temper, but he’s the kind of guy that grows on you.

AGENT ALTHEA RICE: Also known as “The Calvary,” this hard-core soldier has crazy skills when it comes to weapons and being a pilot. But her experiences have left her very quiet and a little damaged.

AGENT LEO FITZ and AGENT JEMMA SIMMONS: These two came through training together and still choose to spend most of their time in each other’s company. Their sibling-like relationship is reinforced by their shared nerd tendencies – she deals with biology and chemistry, he’s a whiz at the technical side of weaponry.

Although none of the roles appear to be previously-established comic book characters, it should be noted that on the commentary track to his The Cabin in the Woods, Whedon refers to using fake sides to audition talent. Knowing the secrecy of Marvel, there’s a definite possibility that “S.H.I.E.L.D.” could be employing a similar tactic.

It also remains to be seen which, if any, actors and/or characters from the feature films are planned to appear on the show. It’s very likely that “S.H.I.E.L.D.” will have direct ties to future Marvel Studios cinematic entries, including the Whedon-scripted and directed Marvel’s The Avengers 2, set for release on May 1, 2015.

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