The official trailer for the upcoming thriller Dark Crimes from Saban Films has been released. The film stars Golden Globe winner Jim Carrey (The Truman Show, The Bad Batch). Originally titled True Crimes, director Alexandros Avranas (Love Me Not) brings to life a true story based on the 2008 New Yorker article, True Crimes – A postmodern murder mystery, by David Grann. Check out the Dark Crimes trailer in the player below!
Dark Crimes stars Carrey as a police officer named Tadek, who finds similarities between an unsolved murder and a crime outlined in a book by famed writer Krystov Kozlow (Martin Csokas). As Tadek begins to track Kozlow and his girlfriend, a mysterious sex club worker (Charlotte Gainsbourg), his obsession grows and he descends into an underworld of sex, lies, and corruption to find the shocking truth.
The screenplay, inspired by the article that detailed the homicide investigation of a slain businessman and a novelist’s involvement, was written by Jeremy Brock (Casualty, The Last King of Scotland), and is executive produced by Bron Capital Partners’ Patrick Murray, RatPac Entertainment’s Kasia Nabialczyk and James Packer, and Some Kind of Garden’s Michael Aguilar. The film will be distributed by Saban Films.
Dark Crimes will be released April 19 on DIRECTV before opening in theaters and On Demand on May 11.