The Samsung Galaxy S II will soon be arriving at T-Mobile in white, the carrier revealed in an update to its Facebook page. While not many details were revealed, T-Mobile did offer that it will be out in time for the holidays and promised more information in the next few weeks. When it does come, tech specs will be identical to the black Galaxy S II, save maybe for the version of Android preloaded and other included software.
T-Mobile’s version of the Android 2.3 phone carries a larger 4.5-inch Super AMOLED Plus display with a 480×800 resolution, a dual-core, 1.5GHz Snapdragon processor with 1GB of RAM, and eight-megapixel back and 1.3-megapixel front cameras. T-Mobile sells the regular black device for $230 with a two-year contract so the white version should be close if not identical.