Indie filmmaker Ramin Bahrani, who first got attention with his 2005 film Man Push Cart, is putting together his new drama 99 Homes, a follow-up to At Any Price, released earlier this year. Andrew Garfield has already been cast to star in the movie and now he’ll be joined by Michael Shannon, according to The Hollywood Reporter.
Written by Bahrani, the film which “tackles recent economic headlines” has Garfield playing a man facing foreclosure of his home who finds work with the real estate broker who took his house, played by Shannon. Shannon’s character is profiting from Garfield’s misfortune and he uses him to try to embezzle money from the government.
Shannon will next be seen in the fourth season of HBO‘s “Boardwalk Empire” having starred as General Zod in Warner Bros’ Man of Steel and the indie crime drama The Iceman over the summer.