Although Sofia Coppola was previously attached to direct Universal Pictures and Working Title Films’ upcoming adaptation of the Hans Christian Andersen fairytale The Little Mermaid, Deadline today reports that the Lost in Translation helmer has exited the project due to creative differences. Meanwhile, there’s another shakeup happening in Hollywood as the Paramount Pictures comedy Bad Moms has, due to scheduling woes, lost Judd Apatow and Leslie Mann. They were to have served as producer and star, respectively.
Edward Scissorhands scribe Caroline Thompson is currently rewriting The Little Mermaid, which was previously drafted by Fifty Shades of Grey and Saving Mr. Banks screenwriter Kelly Marcel. Before that, Brick Lane and Shame‘s Abi Morgan did a pass at the screenplay.
Andersen’s story, which follows a young mermaid who gives up her life in the sea for a human prince, was first published in 1837 and has been adapted numerous times for stage and screen. The new version was initially said to have been inspired by a children’s puppet theatre production of the classic at London’s Little Angel Theatre Company.
Bad Moms, meanwhile, is moving forward with Jon Lucas and Scott Moore directing and the hope is to even retain the comedy’s planned April 15, 2016 release date. Lucas and Moore wrote the initial script with Apatow having helped polish it.
“Judd helped take the script to the next level,” producer Bill Block tells Deadline, “and we’re in a stronger and better place for his involvement.”
New talent is expected to be announced shortly for both projects, so check back for updates as they become available.