Sprint has confirmed a report that its Spark smartphones cannot make phones calls and surf the web at the same time.
The issue, first noticed by Consumer Reports, affects only Sprint Spark LTE smartphones and not normal LTE smartphones. For example, the first version of the Samsung Galaxy S4 released in April 2013 can conduct voice calls and data sessions over LTE at the same time, but the newer Spark version of the GS4 cannot.
“Sprint Spark devices leverage eCSFB technology (enhanced Circuit Switch Fall Back) which enables single radio functionality in the handset,” said Sprint in an email to Phonescoop.com. “This allows Sprint to leverage the many benefits of Network Vision, including the ability to utilize multiple CDMA and LTE spectrum bands efficiently. Simultaneous voice and LTE is not supported on new Sprint Spark devices.”
Sprint went on to claim, however, that Spark, which uses a tri-band LTE configuration, does offer much better data service, much better voice service, and better battery life.
Phones sold by AT&T, T-Mobile, and other GSM-based operators have long been able to talk and surf at the same time.