T-Mobile early Thursday brought out its first myTouch phones made by LG. Both the myTouch and keyboard-equipped myTouch Q have the signature setup wizard, tips widget, and ‘genius’ button and are intended as straightforward, mid-tier phones for first-timers. Either has a 1GHz, single-core Snapdragon chip, a five-megapixel camera with 720p video, and Android 2.3.
The two come preloaded with Netflix, Qik-based video chat, and T-Mobile TV. Differences are slight between the two, with the myTouch Q carrying a 3.5-inch screen while the touch-only myTouch getting a slightly larger 3.8-inch display. The myTouch will be available in simple black and white color choices while the Q will get gray and violet editions.
T-Mobile is shy on launch details but will have both myTouch smartphones in shops before the end of the year.