The upcoming fifth season of the Jane the Virgin TV show will be its final outing on The CW. Star Gina Rodriguez had implied the romantic comedy-drama would end with season five, but in late April, creator Jennie Snyder Urman said she could not confirm Jane the Virgin would end its acclaimed, but low-rated run next year. The CW released its Fall 2018 Schedule today, and Jane wasn’t listed, so expect the fifth and final installment to bow in the mid-season.
A CW satirical telenovela, Jane the Virgin stars Gina Rodriguez, Andrea Navedo, Yael Grobglas, Ivonne Coll, Jaime Camil, and Justin Baldoni. Although saving herself for marriage, Jane (Rodriguez) gets pregnant, thanks to accidental artificial insemination, which turns her life upside down.
At their recent upfront presentation in New York, overall, The CW announced/confirmed that the upcoming installments of iZombie, Jane the Virgin, and Crazy Ex-Girlfriend, will be their final seasons. While the iZombie fifth season renewal was just issued during the May 11th pre-Upfronts rush, both Jane the Virgin (season five) and Crazy Ex-Girlfriend (season four) were picked up for their final seasons on April 2nd, when the network renewed the bulk of its shows.