This Week’s Releases from Marvel, DC and Dark Horse

Posted by at 11:22 am on March 27, 2013

ku-xlargeThere are some great releases out this week including a new sic-fi anthology with a contribution from Lost’s Damen Lindelhoff and the return of Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy:

Dark Horse:

Dragon Age: Until We Sleep #1: Based on the hit fantasy RPG. King Alisdair leads his friends and troops to battle the evil wizard who kidnapped his father.

BPRD: Vampire #1: In this sequel to BPRD 1948, one lone BPRD agent goes on a quest for vengeance against a clan of vampires.

Angel and Faith #20: When Angel gets sidetracked trying to resurrect Giles, it forces Faith and Spike into an unlikely alliance.

• Other: The Answer #3, Criminal Macabre: Final Night #4, The Massive #10, Mr. X: Hard Candy, Star Wars: Dawn of the Jedi: Prisoner of Bogan #4.


All-Star Western #18: Jonah Hex is hired to rescue Alan Wayne’s wife Catherine, but Vandal Savage stands in the way.

Aquaman #18: Aquaman takes his throne, but is Atlantis strong enough to survive the war it just waged?

Batman Inc. #9: Batman continues to handle handle Damian Wayne’s death particularly well.

Time Warp #1: Vertigo’s newest sci-fi anthology, including a story by Damon Lindelof.

• Other: Arrow #5, Batman: The Dark Knight #18, Flash #18, Fury of Firestorm #18, I Vampire #18, Injustice: Gods Among Us #3, Justice League Dark #18, Red Lanterns #18, Superman #18, Superman Family Adventures #11, Teen Titans #18, The Unwritten #47.


Guardians of the Galaxy #1: The long-awaited return of Marvel’s greatest spacefarers arrives! Star-Lord, Rocket Raccoon and the rest need to figure out who put Earth off-limits — and why.

Uncanny Avengers #5: Wasp, sunfire and Wonder Man join the team just as Havok has leadership troubles and Grim Reaper strikes.

Uncanny X-Force #3: Bishop defeats X-Force. .

Morbius the Living Vampire #3: Morbius must hide his identify from the city that is hunting them as well as the two people closest to him.

• Other: A Plus X #6, Age of Ultron #3, Astonishing X-Men #60, Deadpool Killustrated #3, FF #5, Fury Max #10, Journey Into Mystery #650, Powers Bureau #3, Scarlet Spider #15, Thunderbolts #7, Ultimate Comics Wolverine #2, Wolverine and the X-Men #27.

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