THQ Dropping Kids’ Games to Focus On ‘Core’ AAA Titles

Posted by at 3:34 pm on January 25, 2012

Video game publisher THQ is dropping several licensed kids’ titles to focus more on its core franchises.

In a statement released Wednesday, the company said they will also shift resources to more digital endeavors, such as “dedicated digital properties for emerging platforms.”

“THQ will be a more streamlined organization focused only on our strongest franchises,” said CEO Brian Farrell in the statement.

Farrell cites the launch of action game Saints Row: The Third as an example of the direction THQ plans to explore. He says the game has shipped 3.8 million copies since its November launch, and the publisher is expecting shipments between 5-6 million during its lifetime.

Core Titles THQ in the Works

  • UFC Undisputed 3, the mixed martial arts game featuring brawlers from the Ultimate Fighting Championship, which launches next month.
  • Darksiders 2, a third-person action title featuring Death, a member of the Four Horsemen, as he tries to redeem his brother, War.
  • inSANE, a horror franchise developed by Saints Row studio Volition and film director Guillermo del Toro.

THQ had several licensing deals with media companies including Nickelodeon and DreamWorks to produce a series of kids games, such as titles based on SpongeBob SquarePants and animated film Kung Fu Panda.

The publisher says they will continue to sell some previously released games for kids.

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