Celebrating the 30th Anniversary of the Street Fighter fighting game franchise, UDON’s very first comic story returns this November as a value-priced 6-issue mini-series. For only 99 cents an issue, fans who’ve never read these classic tales can see how Ryu, Guile, Ken, and Chun-li first began their journeys to becoming true World Warriors.
STREET FIGHTER RELOADED is a re-release of UDON’s original Street Fighter comic series STREET FIGHTER (2003) #1-6. This is the series that started UDON’s venture into publishing nearly 15 years ago. Written by Ken Siu-Chong, main story artwork is provided by artists Arnold Tsang (now Lead Character Concept Artist on Blizzard Entertainment’s Overwatch) and Alvin Lee (now Principal Artist on Riot Games’ League of Legends).
The series also features a cavalcade of comics’ top creators providing bonus stories and cover artwork. STREET FIGHTER RELOADED #1 sports both a 4-page story and cover art by comics legend Joe Madureira (Battle Chasers), while issue #2 includes a bonus story drawn by the fantastic Adam Warren (Empowered) and cover art by the great J. Scott Campbell. Later issues of the mini-series will include bonus stories from great talents like Kaare Andrews, Kevin Lau, and Hyung-Tae Kim.
STREET FIGHTER RELOADED #1 and #2 arrive in stores November 2017, with the remaining issues #3-6 releasing every two weeks through December and January.