The Unicode Consortium recently unveiled the full set of emoji to be included in Unicode 9.0.
The Consortium first proposed Unicode 9.0 a full year ago with 38 characters. That number has since grown to 72. The emoji include a wide range of gestures, animals, and food. Some include the “call me” hand gesture as well as left and right fists (for fist bumps); sharks, bats, and eagles; and bacon, avocados, and carrots.
Other notable additions are the facepalm and selfie. While this set of emoji has been approved by the Consortium, Google recently proposed that the organization adopt more women-in-professional-roles emoji. It’s not clear if the organization will add those to Unicode 9.0 or a subsequent version of Unocide.
With these 72 emoji more or less finalized, it will be up to phone and app makers to deploy them to handsets and applications.