Verizon May Bar Google Competition with Isis NFC

Posted by at 11:38 am on December 6, 2011

Verizon was accused Monday of deliberately blocking Google Wallet on its version of the Galaxy Nexus. Although the new Nexus has the needed NFC chip and is stock Android, 9to5 had heard that Wallet was being screened from Android Market. The objective would supposedly be to block a competitor to the upcoming multi-carrier Isis payment system due next year.

Google may have chosen Sprint for the Google Wallet launch and the Nexus S 4G to avoid being obstructed. In trying to make a deal with Verizon, its most valuable Android partner, however, it may have once again compromised principles and let Verizon require Isis instead.

Neither Google nor Verizon has commented on the claim. If needed, however, users have found a way to hack Google Wallet support. A version for AT&T might also not have the same conditions.

A chance exists that Google simply hasn’t expanded support for Wallet to the Galaxy Nexus, although it has already been updating multiple apps for the new OS. If involved, Verizon could also have more earnest alternatives, such as wanting to wait until it was more formally included in any trial.

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