Western Digital is charging ahead with its 8TB hard drives. The company has just added 8TB models to most of its internal and external drive lineups. The 8TB capacity option will soon be available in internal hard drives in the Red, Red Pro, and Purple lineups. Red drives are targeted at NAS boxes, while Purple spinners are meant to go into video and surveillance systems. Western Digital says the new drives are filled with helium, which purportedly lets the big platters spin more easily. Drives using this technology will carry the HelioSeal branding.
The increase to 8 TB or 16 TB (with two 8TB drives in RAID 0) capacity applies to the following WD products:
External Hard Drives
- My Book/My Book for Mac -– An external hard drive solution that provides complete backup and storage with USB connectivity.
- My Book Duo/My Book Pro – Dual-drive external hard drive solutions which provide ultra-fast storage in RAID-0 and complete backup and storage with USB and/or Thunderbolt connectivity and up to 16 TB capacity.
- My Cloud/My Cloud Mirror – A personal storage device that plugs into your router at home to provide consumers with their very own private cloud.
- My Cloud EX2 Ultra – As part of the creative professional series of My Cloud products, the My Cloud EX2 Ultra provides high-performance two-bay network attached storage.
Internal Hard Drives
- WD Purple – Engineered for 24/7, always-on, high-definition surveillance security systems that use up to eight hard drives and up to 32 cameras
- WD Red – Optimized for personal, home and small business NAS (network attached storage) systems
- WD Red Pro – Optimized for smal
For those who prefer their hard drives outside their computers, WD will offer 8TB models across its My Book and My Cloud series. External units with two-drive setups in RAID-0 will also available in 16TB capacities, too. The 8TB external drives are already available in “select U.S. retailers” and the WD Store for $300 (we spotted one at Best Buy for $250). Meanwhile, the internal versions should be available on April 5, according to WD’s storefront.