Days after President Obama announced that Al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden was killed,
ABC’s midseason comedy Happy Endings aired an episode last night called “Of Mice and Jazz Kwon-Do,” taped weeks prior, in which Zach Knighton’s character compared an elusive mouse in Elisha Cuthbert’s apartment to a “bin Laden.”
During the airing in the U.S., Knighton told Cuthbert — in discussing the hardships of trying to capture said mouse: “He’s my bin Laden. … Jessica bin Laden, a super hot Arab girl I went to college with.” Then the audio cuts out, though Knighton’s mouth is still moving.
The Hollywood Reporter Reports that there was more to the joke, with the silenced line being, “She was the one that got away.”
In Canada the joke aired in its entirety Citytv.
Video on goes even further than simply bleeping the line. The scene in question has been altered, with the camera awkwardly cutting away immediately after Knighton finishes the line about college.